1213 Nilles Rd Fairfield, OH 45014 7132 Cin-Day Rd Liberty Twp, OH 45069


(513) 858-6900

(513) 858-6900 1213 Nilles Rd Fairfield, OH 45014
7132 Cin-Day Rd Liberty Twp, OH 45069


To schedule a cosmetic procedure, 50% of the total cost of the procedure is required.  The remaining balance is due at your pre-op appointment, if one is required, or seven (7) days prior to the date of the procedure. 
We require a 48-hour notice to cancel a cosmetic procedure, or a $500 Administrative Fee will be charged.  This fee is not billable to insurance or reimbursable, and must be paid before the scheduling of any other appointments or procedures.

Thank you and we appreciate you!