To provide the best care to our patients, we feel that a clear understanding of our Financial Policy is required. Please review the Dermatology/ Cosmetic Financial Policy and ask any questions prior to signing.
Medical and Cosmetic services are provided in our office. It is important to understand that these services are billed separately, even if you are seen for both medical and cosmetic reasons at the same appointment.
A $150.00 charge is required to schedule a cosmetic consultation. The $150.00 will be applied to the cosmetic procedure performed. To schedule a cosmetic procedure, 50% of the total cost is required. The remaining balance is due at your pre-op appointment (if one is required) or on the day of the procedure. We require a 48 hour notice to cancel a cosmetic procedure, or a $250 non-refundable deposit will be applied.
If you are scheduled for a cosmetic visit and mention a medical concern, we will address it if the schedule permits. The cost of the medical encounter is not included in the cosmetic cost and will incur a separate charge to insurance if applicable.
If you are scheduled for a medical visit and mention a cosmetic concern, we will address it if the schedule permits. The cosmetic consultation fee is $150.00 due at time of service. This fee does not apply to your medical visit charges.
All cosmetic procedures must be paid in full prior to or at time of service. Cosmetic consultations and procedures are not covered by insurance and will not be billed to insurance.